Textling #102

A tribute to

Mag Friel


Mag’s funeral service was a wonder. We had two months to organise in customary slow-motion; carers did the running. Mag’s favourite songs were traced, hymns she loved, psalms, poems. Two old friends, met during their stay at the CFS/M.E. Unit at Oldchurch Hospital, Romford, in 2004 (long since closed), were kept abreast and shared their memories. Still severely ill, they perhaps understand most closely what Mag went through and how she could have reached that point beyond endurance.

Order of Service, lyrics, CDs, were posted in advance to those too sick to come. We have all felt wretched when missing pivotal events, and hoped – this time – to infuse the dreaded ‘there in spirit’ with a dose of lifeblood.

Robin song, which Mag adored, filled the church as people arrived, most from the support group whose gatherings she had never been able to join. There were chairs, four-legged and wheeled, recliners, and mats on the floor for lying down. Only an elderly couple had known our friend in blooming health, neighbours since she had bought a battered house and set to doing it up, by herself. In the end she lived in a hospital bed in a darkened room on its ground floor, unable to tolerate a hug, or being washed, because she hurt so much.

The vicar, who, years ago, had visited to give her communion, poignantly interwove the service with testimonies from friends, reading for people who could not attend. The depth of love for Mag was palpable.

The last tune played was the Archers’ theme, and here we smiled. Mag’s final words to us: “See you on the other side!”


Audio when I can

One thought on “Textling #102

  1. Keeping human dignity alive under the most difficult circumstances and a celebration of the strength of spirit and the uniqueness of every individual on this earth at its best. Thank you so much for sharing this!

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